Part 2 was nearly unplayable due to how often you get shot off screen. It's still a fun game, but nothing about the combat system was that great. The first game has a very poor combat system that was only forgiven because of how fast you reload after death, and the good licensed music. It's mostly already been covered, but the game is just not that great, and the first one wasn't either. It's one of my all-time favorite game trailers, and my hype levels were through the roof when I first saw it. I'll end this rant with the "Dial Tone" trailer for HLM2. The atmosphere conveyed by the combination of visuals and music in the Hotline series is unique unto itself, and honestly I think it played a role in spurring increasingly mainstream attention for the synthwave subgenre of music. It also probably has the best licensed soundtrack in all of gaming. That's pretty cool and yet another sign off how confident the developers were with their vision for this second and final game in the series. The small, straightforward levels of Hotline 1 can be breezed through by anyone who has completed Hotline 2, so basically the sequel just continued where the difficulty curve left off at the end of the first game. Returning to Hotline 1 after playing 2 feels like easy mode. Even the level design in Hotline 2 feels superior to me now because it forces you to be a better player. Its story is not only fantastic in its own right, but it also elevates that of the first game by providing much deeper context to everything that happened in Hotline 1. It's a brave, confident, and controversial sequel.

Now I've played both Hotline 1 and 2 dozens of times over, and I can safely say that I feel the second game is better.