Since that forum isn’t very friendly to those seeking troubleshooting tips, I’ll also include ( ) for FPSLimiter and 3booter. I got it again and my game ran like a dream, my laptop ran much cooler than before. I then looked for another fix and remembered that in the past I’d gotten FPSlimiter and 3booter off of the ( ). It helped, but didn’t completely fix the problem.

I also had Vsync in my Nvidia settings turned off. So first of all I was having issues with the game overheating and crashing, and figured out it was due to the FPS. I could have them all at maximum if I wanted, but it’s a stretch for my laptop. I keep my Sims 3 graphics settings around medium, with texture and sim detail at the highest. Just for reference I’ve got a Gigabyte P35W V3 running a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 860M card. These links have also helped with general lag ingame. They helped when I played a save file for so long that it would take up to 30 minutes (no kidding) to load up, or even save. These links helped me when I had issues with my computer overheating and crashing the game. Most of these require you to edit and delete various files and folders, if you’re not confident with messing around in your computers files then I’d recommend backing up any files and folders you’re about to edit, in case something goes wrong, or to just give yourself piece of mind.) None of these were my own ideas, they are things other users recommended, I tried, and they ended up working for me. (Disclaimer: I am in no way a computer expert, just a generally good troubleshooter I’d like to think.

but some of the things I’ve tried that have worked I haven’t been able to find in this sub, so I thought I’d compile an updated list of things to try. I know there’s a bunch of these posts on here already, about things to do to fix your game/make it load faster etc.