(This refers to a forensic hard disk image, not a visible image like JPG or GIF.) Navigate to your desktop, double-click the p15 folder, and double-click the p15.dd file. Adding an Image File From the ProDiscover menu bar, click Action, Add, ' Image File.' This creates a Project, but so far the Project has no evidence in it. In the 'Launch Dialog' box, enter a 'Project Number' of 15 and a 'Project File Name' of 15-YOURNAME, replacing 'YOURNAME' with your own name, as shown below: Click Open. Starting ProDiscover Basic On your desktop, double-click the ' ProDiscover Basic' icon. On your Windows desktop, right-click the p15.zip file and click ' Extract All.' Downloading a Sample Disk Image In your Windows machine, in a Web browser, download this file: This is an image of a 10 MB hard disk partition which contains several active files and several deleted files. Click through the installer as usual to install the software. Installing ProDiscover On your Windows desktop, right-click the ProDiscoverRelease8205Basic.zip file and click ' Extract All.' Right-click the ProDiscoverRelease8205Basic.exe fileand click ' Run as Administrator'. I used the 32-bit version, but you can try the 64-bit version if you like. If you don't have it, get Open Office here: Downloading ProDiscover Basic Edition In your Windows machine, open a Web browser and go to At the bottom of the page, click the ' Download ProDiscover Basic Edition (Version' link. Your Windows machine needs to have either Microsoft Word or Open Office installed.I did it on the Mac in a VMware Fusion virtual machine running 32-bit Windows 7 Pro. Project 15: Using ProDiscover Basic Edition (20 Points) Project 15: Using ProDiscover Basic Edition (20 Points) What You Need for This Project Can accomplish the same things however each has a few different. Scans the files and displays all the activities recorded. Restores the data that has been deleted which makes it a tool for forensic experts. ProDiscover Basic is designed to operate. The ARC Group ProDiscover® Basic edition is a self-managed tool for the examination of your hard disk security.